Sybrand Photography

works with over 500 customized lenses and uses special software to achieve optimal sharpness and saturated colors.

We are doing portraits, food, tiny objects, whatever you want, but always with superb colors, an incredible depth of field and a lot of pixels ...



Key-words are:

*optimal sharpness & high resolution

* maximum depth of field

* no color-shift (fringing)

* no distortion or vignetting

* natural colors

*DDT (digital dye transfer)


*Lossless Blow-up (no neural network)

*Special Effects


*NewTilt (NT)



















N557-Optikotechna/\Rodenstock NT- 8o cm





































Irving Penn at work, using an 8 x 10 inch Deardorff camera and a battery of studiolamps to make the still life above. He exposed the scene for 28 seconds at f 45. He had to use a magenta filter to compensate for the long exposure. Our 'remake' took 1/20 of a second (daylight and halogen). The 'film' we used was as big as 23,5 x 15,7 mm, 12 mp. And maybe we took it with the same Schneider-lens...

This reminds us of the most astonishing sentences in The Story of Kodak, a book by Douglas Collins:

'Between these two positions lies the question of whether Kodak should aggressively enter the business of electronic image making. Simply put, will video render silver-halide photography a quaint, antique way of making pictures? Kodak analysts think not.'

We all know the answer now.




















N505 Canon glass/Petri macro


















The Best Lens in the World?












A modern variation on The Fork of Andre Kertesz












(The original gelatin-silverprint is 19,4 x 24 cm)










Make Art, Not War


Make toys, not tanks.




DOF: the N161 (Minolta/Staeble) TS on Pentax 12 mps. One shot, no focusbracketing!

Wow! N162: Pentax/Voigtlander (basic file 12 mps)


